A company is only ever as good as its people. Develop your people through training and reap the benefits of stronger teams, enhanced commitment and a more unified company ethos.

As a team building activity, Bubble Football addresses several important developmental criteria. It can also be tailor-made to meet your particular company requirements.

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Corporate Activities Testimonials

We really wanted to treat the staff this year with something fun, but it was really difficult for us to find something that was fun but suitable for all the different ages and sizes that we have in the office. We at first was thinking of the typical paintball, but that was until I found bubble football! It looked like incredible fun but we were a bit worried that some people in the office wouldn't enjoy it just cause it was football – but how wrong was we!

Everyone had an absolute blast! For those that don't like football, don't worry, there's not much footballing ability going on as you're just flying around smashing against people – I spent half of my time on my back!

It was great fun and I can't wait to get us booked in next year! I'd definitely recommend it to companies wanting to improve team morale and those who are wanting to get them quiet ones in the office out of their shells!

Stewart Marlow
